Tuesday 19 September 2017

Alcohol should not have been invented

I strongly believe alcohol should not have been invented, I believe this because many bad things happen because of alcohol people get drunk and get hurt and can lead to longtime brain damage, my other reasons are that it is extremely bad if you consume alcohol during pregnancy and lastly that many hospitals are full of people that have injured themselves whilst drunk.
My first reason that it can harm your body if you're not careful. This is true if you consume too much alcohol it can make you drunk, different people have different levels some people can get drunk by just one glass and others don't get drunk till after three glasses. Drinking alcohol does not just make you drunk it can affect the brain, alcohol does not affect the teenage brain as much as the adult brain because the teenage brain is still developing if this is you it can lead to long-term brain damage. It can affect the brain which would affect different parts of the brain with control movement, speech, judgement and memory, you could also have trouble walking, slurred speech, memory lapses and impulsive behaviour.

Another major thing is drinking when pregnant, this is bad because it can pass through to the baby's blood and damage and affect the growth of the baby's brain. The brain and spinal cord are most likely to get damaged through the process. A baby born to a mother who drank alcohol during pregnancy may suffer from alcohol fetal syndrome, they may also suffer from problems with their vision, hearing, memory, attention span, and abilities to learn and communicate. You can drink 1 to 2 glasses a week but no more, but I would advise not to also if you get heavily drunk that is when it starts to affect the baby.

My third and final reason is that many hospitals are overloaded with drunk people who have injured themselves, Many hospitals including Waikato hospital have been overloaded with drunk people who have been injured. According to http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/87208201/crate-day-causes-drunken-flood-of-people-at-waikato-hospital-ed
An Average of 200 people a day arrives at the Waikato emergency department, on Sunday and Mondays that number increases to 250 people a day, normally raised by drunk people. They are normally aged between 16 and 23 years old, the staff say they try to assist at least 95 percent of our patients but have not been able to do this for the last few weeks.

So overall, even if you think drinking alcohol can't-do much, as a matter of fact, it can! A lot more than you think, so to go through my ideas again I said that it affects the body in many different ways, it could affect your baby during pregnancy and lastly, the hospitals are overloaded with drunk people, all of these things are caused by drinking alcohol so StOP drinking.

Monday 4 September 2017


I am the second speaker and I will be talking about the impact it could have on other people's lives. Since adults normally go to work around 8:00 am, kids starting later would affect the drop-off and pick ups before and after school. This will also make life much harder with the amount of traffic in the day, from the parents going to work, to dropping their kids off and people going into town for general things. This has an effect on the roads when you want to drop your kids off at school.

According to the US department of labour, 89.7% of people/parents that are employed have a family with children or are just a caregiver/supervisor. 61.1% of people employed have both parents working throughout the day. It is shown that 95.6% of employed adults are male. All this would mean parents would have to change their hours to get there kids to and from school, this would be a big hassle for parents.

It would also affect the before and after school cares, it would mean that parents who start work earlier and would normally drop there kids of at  before and after school programs would have to change their work hours or find somewhere else for their kids to go, if school started later it would mean that the after school workers would have to extend their working hours to look after the children, that would leave no time for the workers to relax after work.

Sometimes, to keep families going, they spend quality time together after school or sometimes, people play a sport of there choice. The list goes on and on of activities people like to spend their time doing in the hours after school. But just think, if school is taking up those hours in the afternoon, how will you get to your sports, music lessons and other hobbies.

Your second speaker said that mood swings are caused by not getting enough sleep. Getting enough hours of sleep is important for all teenagers but if they aren't getting enough sleep, can't they just go to bed earlier?

Burger Template

This is my burger template for food technology