Wednesday 9 August 2017

Persuasive Writing

Should we have a uniform? I think we should.

I believe that we should have uniform Firstly because if kids come to school wearing their own clothes, thinking that it's cool and then all the kids laugh at them because it looks funny/ugly, which would be a  form of bullying, most kids don't want uniforms but if they came to school wearing something they love but everybody hates they would probably want the uniform back.
My second reason is that if kids wore whatever they wanted and walked around town in those clothes it would set a bad impression on the school, for example, if a boy walked around in town wearing scruffy clothes and no shoes, then it would probably set a bad impression for the school and parents might not recommend it for others.

The final reason is that if you are wearing the school uniform, and you are walking back from school and cross through the village and see a boy who is lost and help him find his parents, then the parents could contact the school and you could be thanked. Also if you did something bad like throwing a rock at someone's car, and someone saw you they could then identify you and contact the school.

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