Friday 8 April 2016

ANZAC: Dulce et Decorum Est

For writing we have been reconstructing a poem the structure of Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen.
Miss Hooper read us instructions and we constructed our poem about ANZAC and the war.

Here is my poem:


Cramped in between muddy soldiers,our chests ready to explode with pain, feet covered in mud numb, fingers,
Nothing but water to keep us moving.
We are walking away from the front line with a low sprint, with all sorts of noises around us,
Trying to move back into safety away from danger to get some rest for what's ahead of us.
Everyone losing their minds even with a little bit of rest they are still insane,
Cuts and grazes all over hurts to put pressure on them, some have even gone blind,
Bombs landing behind us, nothing but shredded clothes and bare feet,
Too tired to even see where they are marching.

Everyone Gas! Run! Get your masks!.
Everyone running to get their masks on, some are just in time,
One man was too late, screaming as it all  leaks into his lungs unable to breathe falls to the ground,
Everyone knows that no one can help now that it's in him, his eyes close.
It's too thick now to see everyone, you just hope that no one's masks leak,
As you stand still the gas turns to an even darker green.

As he runs towards me with no mask he tries to grab my mask,
He fails and falls to the ground coughing in pain.

As the man's face turns snow white as they put him in the wagon you can image walking behind the wagon as you watch him do screams of agony he wriggles around in pain as he tries to ignore the pain, as you are watching you see his eyes roll back and and gets awoken by his fellow wagon carries on moaning until he closes his and they don't open once again.
As the blood rises from lungs,
The gurgling sound of him trying to breath through a pool of blood,
The colour of his face turning green as he coughs up blood and mucus from his insides,
It was a sound you would never want to hear.
If you had seen the gruesome things i have seen then,
You wouldn't want to see it again
“To fight in the war it's not a tiny thing it's a big deal”
These are these are the words i will never forget.

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