Tuesday 11 October 2016



Big Idea:
We all have the power to pay it forward to help others.

Big Questions:
If not me then who?
What motivates change makers?
What might change makers do to motivate others? What actions and decisions do change makers take?
What challenges do change makers face?
What motivates me to be a changemaker?
What decisions and actions can I take to “pay it forward”?
How can I motivate others to “pay it forward’?

Room 12 decided that they wanted to take action and help the Hastings and District SPCA.

Our group decided that we were going to Volunteer at the SPCA we did not hear back from the SPCA so unfortunately we could not go,Erin and I decided to make cookies for the riding for disabled we raised $150 dollars.

If I were to change one thing for next time it would be to off sent the email earlier so she replied earlier.

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