Tuesday 25 October 2016

Term 4 Writing Assessment

Today we completed our Term 4 writing assessment. We had 5 minutes to plan, 30 minutes to complete our first draft and 5 minutes to proof read. Here Is what I wrote…

Term 4 Writing Assessment
Name: Lily  Kemp Date: 18/10/16

What I Did Well

Think of a time when you did something really well. Write to recount that time.

Write about:
  • When and where you did something special
  • Who was with you
  • What you did, (think about the order you did things)
  • How you felt and why you felt this way

Remember to:
  • Choose your words carefully
  • Write in full sentences
  • Take care with your spelling and punctuation
  • Give your writing a title only if you want to
  • Check your work: read through and fix any mistakes you find.

2 years ago my class and I went to camp at Mountain valley for 2 nights, we did activities like archery, rafting but the best one of all was horse riding it is my favourite animal so I was pretty shocked to ear we would be going on a horse trek, by the time it was my groups time to ride the horses I was ready then ever but before we could ride the horses we had to colour in a horse picture, it was a competition to see who would pick there horse first that day was a lucky day for me because I won the competition and got to choose my horse first I decided to  chose Indi who is a  white with brown spotted horse she was a horse jumping champion but had retired of old age there was another horse called Big Mac but he had retired of all age.

But before we got to jump the last thing they did was show us how to get on, hold the reins, and stop and start the horse, we then hopped on our horses but because I am smaller than the others I had to use a stepping stall  we then set off on our trek  I was the first in the line of horses the instructors held onto the horse with a rope to start of with to make us feel comfortable.we then  started by going by going up a hill I freaked out a bit because I thought I was going to fall when i lent back to let indi climb up the hill but luckily I didn't since we went up the hill we obviously had to go back down so that was a bit scary but i made it was then just a straight forward track so we relaxed  it was funny because there was a little white dog starting at the end and zig zagging through the horse's legs but they did not care we also had to stop a few time for the horses toilet stop which was good because it let us stay on the horse's longer  but sooner or later we had to jump of the horses that was the hard part because when you jumped off you always got ground shock which hurt badly,but worse my friend amelia when she was just about to jump of her horse her horse dancer had a spazz with her on it so everyone was shouting “AMELIA JUMP OFF QUICK” eventually she jump off and ran as fast as she ever had before as far away as possible so she was safe about half an hour later we left the horses for a rest for the night and we set off to our cabins for a good night's sleep.

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