Tuesday 15 November 2016

A Picture says a Thousand Words

This is Norbet  he is caring and loves attention,he is greenish-brown.He lives in Romania in a sanctuary for dragons of his kind since he is only a baby he is staying with me for a while till he knows how to look after himself, i plan on feeding him by hand every 3-4 hours with a baby bottle and also feeding with the tip of my finger every 3-4 hours he rests for about 1 ½ and he loves to play so he needs all the attention he can get,He is only 4 weeks old and is very fragile he often crawls on my hand and shoulder.I don't tell much people i have a dragon because people might get the wrong idea about me and Norbert.I would not say norbert has special powers but he can he can shoot fireballs from his little mouth they don't light the house on fire though well at least not yet.

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