Tuesday 1 November 2016

Athletics Learning

Athletics Skills Development Unit
Coverage: Running (Short & Long Distance), Shot-put, Discus, Vortex Throw, Long Jump, High Jump

WALT:  I  will be able to explain desired technique including elements that prevent injury, body stance, and desired outcome depending on what activity I am competing in.

Indicator One:
Describe what factors influence my attitude towards and participation  in a range of physical activities
Indicator Two:
Perform and repeat linked movement sequences that display consistency and control
Indicator Three:
Discuss how taking on different roles affects my relationships, attitudes and behaviours
Indicator Four:
Plan strategies to promote participation in recreational activities
This will be evident when
This will be evident when:
This will be evident when:
This will be evident when:
I can describe my current attitude towards participation in athletic activities.

I can identify personal reasons that contribute in forming my attitudes towards athletics

I can discuss reasons for learning athletics skills

I can identify the factors which may change my attitude or participation in athletic activities
I can take action to improve my performance by setting realistic goals  and evaluating them for individual and group training sessions.

I can identify the many forms of success in relation to learning and developing skills around athletics
I can apply sprinting technique in a range of warm up games

I can perform pushing and slinging activities with the correct technique.

I can  refine basic jumps

I can  demonstrate correct take off, flight and landing techniques when jumping for height and distance in a range of activities

I can develop an understanding of skill development
I can  plan and practice strategies to improve  my personal performance
I can  following instructions

I can  give instructions

I can give and receive constructive feedback.

I can  take responsibility in supporting a partner to improve their performance

I can  value feedback and act upon it.

I can  take action to provide a supportive learning environment
I can  discusses the cooperation needed to perform relay activities safely

I can help formulate and follow the rules to promote safety.

I can identify the influence that competition can have on an individual's behaviour.
I can Include reluctant participants with encouragement.

I can employ the ‘Inclusions approach’ ie. Doesnt matter who ends up in your relay team.

I can actively find other people to train with at morning tea and lunch times.

Technical Skill Developmental Points

  • The difference between throwing and pushing (chucking) what does the different wrist action look like.  How do you prevent injuring your wrist when pushing a shot-put?  Will model getting the 2 steps for your starting position.  How close the shot-put is tucked into your neck.  The slight tilt of your head.  Using your other hand to aim for the direction you want your shotput to go to.  The follow through action so you dont end up scew-wiff.  Not to go over the indicated line.
  • The wrist action that is needed to throw a softball.  Standing still and running up.  Throwing not too high and not too low (wanting distance not height)
  • The scissor action  using your legs to get over the high jump.  The different body movement flow.  The difference between these.  The test to see if you run in from the left or right hand side.  Desired place to land on the mat. Frosby Flop?
  • Landing with 2 balanced feet in the long jump.  Balance from your thigh muscles and hand positions so you dont fall backwards.  
  • Long distance running and pace.  Breathing techniques and arm movements.
  • Take offs for sprint starting of races.
  • Baton changeover techniques.  Hand up or down and the difference.  What is the increased chances of dropping the baton with a hand that is up?  Starting to run slowly before the baton reaches you and keeping momentum.  Body stance and tilted head (looking backwards)  Position of 4 runners.   The fastest person last, 2nd fastest 1st and the other 2 doesnt matter too much.

Copy and paste the URL address below. Either on this doc or in your literacy book, rehearse taking notes.
YouTube Clip One
YouTube Clip Two
YouTube Clip Three

Clip 1
  • run on toes because a heel strike slows you down minimizes the force that your body takes on.
  • sprinters can take anywhere from 8-10 times their body weight with every single step. by dropping your heel will only make presure come through  the leg up to the hip and lower back and cause further injury
  • be very mindful that your foot strikes directly under hip to prevent the stop motion force to lower back and body
  • Dorcy Flex =  point your toe up to give ourselves a former platform when our four foot hits the ground
Clip 2
  • Running in groups is helpful when training because it gives you the experience of working in a team. Running  running side by side will help you pull along in your training,
  • have teammates that are faster than you helps you push through but if you are the fastest then you should consider running with someone who is your speed because.
  • Injuries such as Pulhams String, Torn Muscles, are very common in 100 meter Sprints, make sure you are conditioned so you get faster.
Clip 3
  • Keep your Body Straight and Forward
  • Straight Knees
  • Shoulders Down

1   Introduction
  1.    What the text is going to be about
2.  A short description of the subject
3. Can include a definition
The Text is going to be about how to complete the 100 meter Dash.
The 100 meter Dash is a track and field event it is  the shortest and most common sprinting race It has been contested at the Summer Olympics since 1896 for men and since 1928 for women.
The World Champion is the well known Usain Bolt who completed the 100 meter dash in 9.69 Seconds, the women's world record is 10.49 Seconds. Sprinters typically reach top speed after somewhere between 50–60 m. Their speed then slows towards the finish line.?

2   Body of the report
-       Each paragraph begins with a topic sentence which previews the information in the rest of the paragraph
-       Sentences after give more details
-       Each paragraph should give information about one feature of the subject
-       May include technical language
When running the 100 meter dash there are a few pointers you need to remember like it is easier to run on your toes because a heel strike slows you down and minimizes the force that your body takes on so you can’t run as far. You have to remember that your foot should come directly under your hip to prevent any injury in the lower back and body.

The dorcy Flex is a great thing to use when running all you have to do is point your toe up to give yourself a former platform when our four foot hits the ground.
Each paragraph begins with a topic sentence which previews the information in the rest of the paragraph
-       Sentences after give more details
-       Each paragraph should give information about one feature of the subject
-       May include technical language

Tips For Running an 100 Meter Dash,Running in groups is helpful when training because it gives you the experience of working in a team,Running side by side will help you pull along with your training,and it is good if you have some team mates who are slightly faster than you so it encourages you to run faster to catch up with them,  if you are the faster than your teammates you should consider running with somebody who is slightly faster than you because than surely you won't be getting any better at running.

Injures like Pull HamStrings,Torn Muscles and others are very common in the 100 meter DAsh,Make sure you are well conditioned before the race so you get faster all together

Each paragraph begins with a topic sentence which previews the information in the rest of the paragraph
-       Sentences after give more details
-       Each paragraph should give information about one feature of the subject
-       May include technical language

Usain bolt is one of the world's best 100 meter runners so here are some tips from the pro
Always keep Keep your Body Straight and Forward
Straight Knees
and keep your Shoulders Down

  1. A concluding paragraph
-    Can summarise the report
By reading this Report we can tell that trying to win the 100 meter dash  is hard if you were following these steps but it would certainly help you with you running technique and Speed,So altogether with these steps you might just win the 100 Meter Dash.

Note Taking and Note Making
We take notes to help us remember information we read or hear. Sometimes we need to copy exactly such as a quote or reference that someone else has said. Taking notes is short - key words, pictures, symbols, text language even. Taking notes is a personal preference - no two people take notes exactly the same.
Key Idea - Short, sweet and to the point!
Choose one track or field event - find three YouTube clips that clearly model the correct technique, (remember what you have learnt about reliable websites).
Text Type - Information Report (Purpose)
(Audience) Sheppard House
Description TEMPLATE

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